UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Belarus (2013)

The Committee adopted these concluding observations after considering Belarus’ combined fourth to sixth periodic report in 2013. In paragraph 15, the Committee expresses concern at reports that drug dependent people interned in so-called ‘Medical-Labour Centres’ are subjected to compulsory labor, and urges Belarus to ensure these people’s rights to freely chosen work and just conditions of work. In paragraph 25, the Committee notes concern with the increase in drug addiction and hospitalizations due to drug use and recommends that Belarus enforce its ‘existing legal and policy frameworks’ to combat drug use. The Committee also urges Belarus to take ‘a human rights-based approach to the treatment of’ drug users and provide health care, psychological support, and rehabilitation to them, ‘including effective drug dependence treatment such as opioid substitution therapy’.

Citation: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 'Concluding Observations on Belarus' (E/C.12/BLR/CO/4-6) 2013

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