UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Consideration of the Reports of Jamaica (1990)

The Committee considered Jamaica’s second periodic report concerning the rights covered by articles 6-9 of the Covenant, as well as Jamaica’s initial reports concerning the rights covered by articles 10-15. Committee members noted the tendency in Jamaican popular music to glorify drug consumption and asked what impact this had on Jamaican society, what measures were being taken to combat drugs, and whether there was a trend towards toleration or legalization of drugs (paragraph 160). The representative of Jamaica emphasized that though some performers may advocate drug use, that in no way detracts from Jamaica’s firm commitment ‘to combat that scourge’ (paragraph 163). The Committee later noted that restrictions on freedom of expression are permissible ‘in the interest of public order, public health or morals’ and ‘that such restrictions might be contemplated if necessary in the fight against drug abuse’ (paragraph 168).

Citation: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 'Consideration of the Reports of Jamaica' (1990) CESCR E/1990/23

HRDP summary