This policy brief was published by the Asian Network of People Who Use Drugs in October 2015. The policy brief was developed to ensure meaningful participation for Asian people who use drugs in UNGASS 2016, as well as highlighting issues prioritized by ANPUD with specific recommendations.
UNGASS 2016 is emphasised as being on of the highest level platforms from which to influence the direction and content of international drug policy. Topics covered in the brief are discrimination against people who use drugs, ending the death penalty for drug offences, harm reduction and health services, closing compulsory centres for people who use drugs, further community-based drug dependence treatment services, protecting and respecting the human rights of people who use drugs, and ensuring participation of people who use drugs.
Citation: The Asian Network of People Who Use Drugs (ANPUD), 'Policy Brief: UNGASS 2016 Special Session on The World Health Problem' (2015)