UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding Observations on the Second to Fourth Periodic Report of Viet Nam (December 2014)

The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights issued these concluding observations in December 2014 following the second to fourth periodic reports of Viet Nam. The Committee acknowledges measures taken by the State contributing to the realization of economic, social and cultural rights through implementation of national laws as well as ratifications of international treaties. 

These concluding observations also set out a series of subjects for concern, as well as recommendations. Topics covered are issues with the justiciability of the ICESCR in Viet Nam, access to justice/remedies, state practices, discrimination against various marginalized groups, unemployment and working conditions, right to health issues, poverty, and right to an education.

Citation: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 'Concluding Observations on the Second to Fourth Periodic Report of Viet Nam' (2015), E/C.12/VNM/CO/2-4