Review Process

In order to ensure that our published materials meet the highest standards of academic rigour, the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy subjects all materials it receives to a process of internal and external review.

Internal Review

All manuscripts are initially reviewed by one of the Journal’s Editors to assess whether the quality of the research and analysis, and subject matter, make it suitable for publication. A submission may be rejected at this stage if the topic falls outside the Journal’s mandate, if there are significant problems with presentation, research or argumentation, or if the work lacks originality.

External Review

A manuscript that passes the initial review is sent to at least two external reviewers who are expert in the relevant area(s) of international law addressed in the paper. External reviewers are asked to score the submission in various categories, and to provide comments and recommendations for both the Editors and for the author(s). Based on the outcome of the external review, submissions may be (a) accepted without revision, (b) provisionally accepted, with additional revision required, or (c) rejected.

All material accepted for publication may be subject to editorial revision. If a submission is accepted for inclusion in the Journal, the author(s) will receive a proof copy prior to publication for review and final correction.