Wait a Second—Is That Rain or Herbicide? The ICJ’s Potential Analysis in Aerial Herbicide Spraying and an Epic Choice Between the Environment and Human Rights


The Comment analyzes the Aerial  Herbicide Spraying case, in its preliminary stage, and how the outcome may be based on the Pulp Mills decision.  As the author comments, this case is significant for the ICJ because it is 'confronted with a unique
controversy where it must either challenge an international drug ring that has terrorized Colombia for decades or address human rights and environmental issues presented from a neighboring state'. Moreover, it concludes that considering the Pulp Mills decision, the case could be judged in favor of Ecuador's claims.

Rutledge, Jessica L.'Wait a Second—Is That Rain or Herbicide? The ICJ’s Potential Analysis in Aerial Herbicide Spraying and an Epic Choice Between the Environment and Human Rights' (2011)  46 Wake Forest Law Review, 1079.

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