The Impact of Drug Policy on Women, Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch & Olga Rychkova (2015)

The Open Society Foundations published a report regarding the discrimination and gendered violence women face resulting from international drug control policies.

Despite the fact that men constitute the majority of people who use drugs, it has been shown that women face discrimination and added stigma due to international drug control policies.  Women are incarcerated due to non-violent drug crimes more than any other crime, and they often have access to fewer services regarding addiction and non-recidivism.  

The report addresses issues such as harm reduction, treatment of detainees, and crop eradication.  

Citation: Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch & Olga Rychkova, 'The Impact of Drug Policy on Women' , Open Society Foundations (2015)

HRDP summary